Positive pathways

1 Jun 2018
Fulham, PL Kicks

Fulham is one of 69 professional clubs running Premier League Kicks, which works with youngsters in high-need areas.

Premier League Kicks began in 2006 and since then has engaged more than 300,000 young people in high-need areas.

The programme aims to inspire participants to achieve their potential, working together to build stronger, safer and more inclusive communities.

Fulham were one of four clubs to pilot the programme 13 years ago and Fulham FC Foundation coach Hussein Mohammed knows how important Kicks is in giving youngsters a safe place to play.

"We try to engage as many young people as we can and give them something to do, to get them off the streets," he said.

"We're not just coaching football, we always want to know what's going on in the kids' lives, is there anything we can help them with?

"We're here to support them with both football and life skills, encouraging them to volunteer and contribute to their local community."

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