What you need to attend a Premier League match

20 Dec 2021

The safety of everyone is priority and the Premier League and clubs are taking all steps possible to create safe matchday environments for supporters

Here is all you need to know if you are planning to attend a Premier League match.

The Premier League has issued new protocols, following the introduction of the Government’s "Autumn and Winter Plan B". Here is a brief overview as to the new requirements.
See: League updates matchday protocols for fans

For more details, we have provided a guide to frequently asked questions by supporters.
See: COVID-19 protocols for fans: FAQs

Before attending a Premier League match, fans must read the supporter's Code of Conduct of the club whose stadium they are visiting.

They should also be aware of any guidance specific to that club. We have collated these for fans to find easily. 
See: Clubs' Codes of Conduct & COVID-19 guidance

Fan COVID pass

Each club require fans to fill in a self-declaration of their COVID-19 status before they can attend. Some clubs have a link, some will email to ticket holders. Here is a club-by-club guide on how to register online at each club.
See: How to register COVID status self-declaration at each club

Get vaccinated now

Of course, one simple way to stay safe is to get vaccinated.

Premier League legends such as Alan Shearer have urged supporters to play their part to protect others in the fight against COVID-19.

Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp joined that call, saying: "I follow the advice of smart, educated people who know their field because they've dedicated their lives to it and have studied it.

"I have no issue telling you I received my booster jab as soon as I was eligible and again that will be the case for many if not nearly all within our ranks in the coming days and weeks."

Klopp: Listen to experts and get the jab

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