Jack Harrison


Appearances 136
Goals 24
Wins 42
Losses 63
  • Attack
    Goals 24
    Goals per match 0.18
    Headed goals 0
    Goals with right foot 11
    Goals with left foot 13
    Penalties scored 0
    Freekicks scored 0
    Shots 161
    Shots on target 59
    Shooting accuracy % 37%
    Hit woodwork 3
    Big chances missed 14
  • Team Play
    Assists 19
    Passes 3,326
    Passes per match 24.46
    Big Chances Created 27
    Crosses 576
    Cross accuracy % 19%
    Through balls 17
    Accurate long balls 90
  • Discipline
    Yellow cards 8
    Red cards 0
    Fouls 115
    Offsides 20
  • Defence
    Tackles 198
    Tackle success % 58%
    Blocked shots 48
    Interceptions 70
    Clearances 77
    Headed Clearance 24
    Recoveries 626
    Duels won 544
    Duels lost 844
    Successful 50/50s 173
    Aerial battles won 62
    Aerial battles lost 156
    Errors leading to goal 0