
Brighton using football to teach technology in schools

15 Dec 2021

Former Albion striker Glenn Murray sees how club's Foundation is helping children learn about coding

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Glenn Murray went back to school recently to see how Brighton & Hove Albion are using football to help youngsters learn about science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).

The former striker joined in with an Albion in the Community Soccer STEM session at Fairlight Primary School as Year 6 pupils demonstrated how they have learnt to code football-themed robots and make them move around a pitch.

"I think I did OK for my first time, I've never coded in my life," Murray said during a visit filmed by BBC Match of the Day.

"Soccer STEM is an incredible initiative helping children to learn important skills that they will need in their future careers and as they move into secondary school.

"It just shows how important Albion in the Community are to the city and surrounding areas, to give these kids the opportunity to benefit their learning and to have fun whilst doing it."

Ongoing support

Soccer STEM is one part of the work the Albion Foundation carries out in local schools throughout the year. They work in over 150 schools using football as a theme to teach a range of subjects including numeracy, literacy and physical education.

The charity is planning to launch the new Soccer STEM initiate to schools across Sussex in 2022.

"As a school, we couldn't afford the robots so to get Albion to come in and to bring them into school has been fantastic," said Fairlight Primary headteacher Damien Jordan.

"STEM is really important for the kids. It's the real world out there, it's why they know coding already."

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