
New pitches boost Leicester's community work

21 Jan 2017
Nampalys Mendy, Leicester, Fullhurst Community College, 200117

Nampalys Mendy opens facilities at Fullhurst Community College that club will use to deliver Kicks and Girls Football

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The LCFC Community Trust can expand their Premier League Kicks and PL Girls Football programmes thanks to the opening of a new facility near Leicester City's King Power Stadium.

The Leicester midfielder Nampalys Mendy opened two artificial grass pitches at Fullhurst Community College, who will use the facility along with the local community to forge closer links with the Trust.

"We have lots of programs here involving boys, girls and vulnerable children," College principle Tom Campbell told "Football has been a vehicle to engage them through the branding of the club.

"It's great to bring a bit of Leicester City into school life and make it that bit more tangible. Certainly the success that Leicester enjoyed last season had a big knock-on effect for kids in the city."

The Trust's PL Kicks and PL Girls Football programmes engage with 40 girls and 80 boys at the site but the new pitches will allow it to double its offer, with a three-hour PL Kicks session taking place every Saturday evening. 

Nampalys Mendy, Leicester, Fullhurst Community College, 200117
The new pitches with benefit LCFC Community Trust's PL Kicks and PL Girls Football programme

"When you try to play football, it is better when you have a good pitch," said Mendy. 

Photos courtesy: Plumb Images/LCFC

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