
Hull eye timely Hernandez return

2 Dec 2016
Swansea City v Hull City

Mike Phelan looking to striker to boost depleted forward line at Middlesbrough

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Mike Phelan hopes Abel Hernandez can make a timely return for Hull City at Middlesbrough

The Hull City striker was injured in last month's 2-1 win over Southampton, but with Dieumerci Mbokani suspended, Phelan, the head coach, is looking to Hernandez to finalise his recovery from a groin strain for Monday night's match at the Riverside. 

"[Ryan] Mason should be alright, we’re hopeful that we’ll have [Shaun] Maloney back and we’re also hopeful of Hernandez being around,” Phelan told

“You always need centre-forwards, so hopefully Abel will be fit and ready.”

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