
League agrees trial for permanent concussion substitutions

20 Jan 2021
Concussion treatment

IFAB's trial of additional substitutes to be introduced to the Premier League after agreement by Shareholders

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Premier League Shareholders today formally agreed to introduce the International Football Association Board's (IFAB) additional permanent concussion substitutions trial.

The trial will be confirmed when the implementation of the reporting processes, including private medical information, has been resolved with IFAB and FIFA.

With player welfare the Premier League's priority, the protocols will allow a maximum of two concussion substitutes to be used per team, with the opposition side able to use the equivalent number.

The additional concussion substitutions may be made regardless of the number of substitutions a team have made already.

The trial is a result of the IFAB's consultation with stakeholders and recommendations from their concussion expert group to allow additional substitutions for players with actual or suspected concussion. 

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