
Primary Stars: Complete your own fact-finding mission

27 Apr 2020
Hector Bellerin, Arsenal, Primary Stars, composite

Find out more about your favourite Premier League players with the help of this Primary Stars worksheet for children

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Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find out facts about players in the Premier League.

Which country do they come from? What is the capital city of that country? How about their national dish?

You can learn that information to create a factfile of your favorite players.

See: Primary Stars fact-finding activity pack

Print off the fact-finding activity sheet from Premier League Primary Stars or create your own, using information on to help you.

You could find out facts about players from the team you support, or see how many players in the Premier League come from the same country.

However you decide to do it, we would love to see what you discover.

Share your factfile by posting on Twitter via @PLCommunities using the hashtag #PLPrimaryStars.

For more exciting home-learning activities for the family to try, check out the Primary Stars website.

To receive a weekly round-up of new activities, sign up here.

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