
Statement on introduction of VAR in 2019/20

5 Jun 2019

Premier League clubs receive updates for the introduction of Video Assistant Referees in the new campaign

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Premier League clubs were today provided with an update on plans for the introduction of Video Assistant Referees (VAR) in the competition next season.

This included details on in-stadium communications, in particular when there is a clear delay to a match because of VAR, and when refereeing decisions are over-turned due to the intervention of VAR.

The Premier League has created graphics which will be displayed on giant screens to explain any VAR-related delay to a match, and any overturned decision.

Additionally, if the VAR believes there is a definitive video clip which helps explain an overturned decision, it will be broadcast on giant screens.

Also, the Premier League is investigating the possibility of messages and video clips being viewed on handheld devices via an app.

For clubs who do not have giant screens in their stadium, VAR communications will be made via a combination of PA announcements and messages on scoreboards.

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